Hi there! This is an old post that may reference technology or views I now consider outdated - or maybe even a little embarrassing. Enjoy at your own risk.
Today I was treated to my usual Sunday morning pancakes on top of my Father’s Day present. Pretty cool, no?

There’s just so much awesomeness in this:
- My four-year-old drew Optimus Prime on the left (with very little help from my wife, I’m told).
- Josie also scribbled “Optimus Daddy” on the bottom. Too cute.
- Ella, our seven-year-old, drew Mario by hand alone. What detail!
- Ella added one of the stars from Super Mario Galaxy – our favorite Daddy-Daughter video gaming experience of all time.
“We think to ourselves, Supper Mario Daddy” is a play on Brentalfloss’ Super Mario World song, which in itself is a play on What a Wonderful World by Louis Armstrong. Yes, my kids are that meta.
- Ella even replaced the word “Super” with “Supper” on purpose. Awesome!
They obviously put a lot of thought, time, and love into making me this. What incredible girls I have. Not to brag, but man do I ever have it made - it should be illegal to live a life so filled with joy.
Happy Father’s Day indeed!